Not super exciting unless your me. lol I like to take pictures of food. If I try a new recipe and it turns out well I'll plate it and take some pics of it. I started uploading pics to a while back.
You find a recipe you like, cook it, take a pic of the finished product, write a review if you want to, then upload said pic to their site. They review it and if it's worthy they'll add it to the recipe so people can see what the dish could look like when prepared. This is one of my favorite features about all recipes dot com. I love seeing what food looks like when it's cooked. Sometimes it's looks really good, other times...well not so much. I've passed on several recipes because the pictures that were up just didn't make the food look good!
So imagine my complete surprise yesterday when I pull up the site to look for a recipe for stuffed zucchini.... Here's what I saw:
You find a recipe you like, cook it, take a pic of the finished product, write a review if you want to, then upload said pic to their site. They review it and if it's worthy they'll add it to the recipe so people can see what the dish could look like when prepared. This is one of my favorite features about all recipes dot com. I love seeing what food looks like when it's cooked. Sometimes it's looks really good, other times...well not so much. I've passed on several recipes because the pictures that were up just didn't make the food look good!
So imagine my complete surprise yesterday when I pull up the site to look for a recipe for stuffed zucchini.... Here's what I saw:

It's kind of hard to see... This is a screen shot from yesterday... anyway the 'Recipe of the Day' has my picture on it! I grilled that pork chop you see in the picture and that's my $1.88 plate from Wal Mart I got about 5 years ago! It even says 'PHOTO BY: Brattt' Even though I never capitalize the 'b' on 'brattt'! I looked at the recipe and thought I've made that before and then looked at the pic again and yelled 'OMG that's my picture on the main page!'
Poor Brian had no clue what I was talking about. I showed him and then he was kind of excited too. It's not anything major and anyone can pretty much get there picture on the site. I just thought it was neat that I happened to look for a recipe on the day that my picture was there!
Simple things like that make me sooo happy! So now everyone go cook something and take a picture of it!
I took a pic of my dinner tonight. I was thinking of you. hehe It's on my blog if you want to see.
Awesome!! I love the photo feature of too, it's great.
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